Finally I blog about the Malaysian Symposium on Biomedical Sciences 2010 after it was held a couple of months ago (13th till 15th March 2010). It was an exciting 3 days and 2 nights trip to Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, I thought. :T Guess why I said so? You will find out later in this post. The invited participants and committee from other universities were Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) and International Medical University (IMU). This is because only this few universities offer Biomedical Science and it is recognise by Mohe.

We went to UPM on friday after our classes finished at around 3pm. Packed our stuff and I really thought it was an exciting trip. Excitement arouse probably because we are visiting other university or probably we are away from lecture notes and books for 3 days! Or probably we are getting out of the stressful town and head to the city! :) I thought.
We reached UPM around 11pm and drop the lecturers and finished up with some "check in" stuff and headed to one of their hostel. We stayed at International college or also known as Kolej Kebangsaan. I didn't know that UPM is so damn big. Having a few traffic lights in one uni itself really shows how huge the uni is. One thing I am curious about UPM is that, why a uni called themself a college? Weird right? Or maybe there is story behind it. Hmm..I don't know.

So here is where we stayed for 2 nights. It was terrible. Sorry to say that. The toilet and everything are all clean. Cupboard and bed were fine. But, the thing is, mosquitoes! There are so many mosquitoes at night and I couldn't sleep at all for the very first night! The boys' room is even worst. There were more mosquitoes! O.O I wonder how the students actually survive here with the mosquitoes. God knows. Insufficient of sleep and with those mosquitoes' bites, we had to bare for another long day with panda eyes. :(

We attended the opening ceremony in the next morning (Saturday la..) and I fell asleep in one of the...ermm, i forgot his name. He is one of the UPM's lecturer. I remember his talk was interesting and he has been working for UPM for many many years. I couldn't stand it and with the cozy environment, haha, I slept through his wonderful talk about something. *clap clap clap* This is my very first time of sleeping infront of the lecturer. :P I did not felt guilty at all and thank god I slept, if not, I do not know how am I going to
tahan for the whole day! :)
Oh ya, I forgot to talk about their "wonderful" breakfast. I thought local universities are usually rich, me and you know why :). But, this uni, i guess it is so different. Guess what we got for our breakfast? A quarter of a quarter banana cake, small
karipap and hot tea+sugar. We were shocked with that quarter of a quarter banana cake. Imagine how smalllllllll it was. Girls also don't feel full with it, imagine the guys. Pity them. So what they did, no no,
take somemore of those quarter of a quarter banana cake. You see. We are from other university. And there were plenty of other students from other universities through out Malaysia too. How can they serve a quarter of a quarter banana cake?!? How can they serve the hot drinks which they filled it inside a big blue plastic bucket? Bucket you know! Don't play play. There were lotsa lotsa weakness in terms of the protocol, food and the flow of the program. I wonder whether they had planned it properly before hand. It is a huge event, participated by students form other universities through out Malaysia, attended by lecturers, ministers and VVIPs...ermm, this is --no good :( *Btw, the next symposium, 2011, will be held in UIAM~*

Haha. This pic. Guess where we took it? The Mines. There is also another story how we actually got into The Mines. So, that day (The saturday), the very very last minute, we got to know that this uni doesn't provide dinner to UTAR students and lecturers. Damn it! Last minute!! O.O Our uni's bus pulak went back to Kampar. So, we took public transport to The Mines. At first, we planned to go MidValley by train. We walked to UPM's bus stop and waited for the pubic transport. Suddenly it rained. We were so "lucky" that day. Waited for 1 hour plus plus, no bus and taxi, thus we decided to go The Mines, since it is nearer. Ok, waited for so long and suddenly a UPM bus (a bus to the train station) passed by. The bus driver thought we were UPM's student so he stopped. Once we told them we were UTARians, he said no. He said we cannot take UPM bus to the train station. Although one of my lecturer told him that we are going to pay him, he also refused to take us. Damn. Dahlah raining, no public transport, no taxi and their bus doesn't want to help at all. We waited again and once everyone agreed to go the canteen near the lecturers' hostel, the RapidKL arrived. That moment we really felt relieved. We had tried to call PizzaHut and McDonald's for delivery and guess what, McDonald's do not know where is UPM and no PizzaHut delivery to UPM. Wow! This is worst than Kampar you know! Although our uni is at a small town area, there are many shops around. But, this uni, if you want to find a shop, haha, I guess you really need a car or motorbike and not even a bicycle! It is impossible for you to cycle to your faculty from the nearest hostel too!! O.O

The second day is all about FYP presentations. From there, we got to know what kind of machines and tools that are available in different universities.

Thank god we did not go back to uni with nothing. At least there is one of our senior won his FYP poster. So good! Envy betul. FYP can get prize wei!! Don't play play!! Somemore in Symposium~

Overall, it was not fun at all. Haha! You thought I am going to said fun? LOL! :P We actually went to other uni and suffer there. Really suffer and there where we learn to appreciate our own uni. There is where we know that UTAR actually is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better compared to them! There is where we know that our uni actually love us so much that we didn't realised it until we went to UPM. There is where we know that our uni is more systematic compared to them. And there is where we know that, "We Love UTAR!". Hahahaha!!! :D