Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Just do what I do best

I am so happy today because of one letter from a dearest friend. What a big surprise she gave me. Awww~

At the same time, I feel so nervous for tomorrow's interview. I guess I applied for a wrong company? LOL!!! My communication skills is so darn teruk and yet I applied for this job. I think I have out of my mind! XD

Don't care. Just do what I do best. What I want to gain is just EXPERIENCE. Get or not, just go and enjoy myself. A 3 hours interview, see what I can gain from there. Hope can see lengchai. If not, it will be such a boring 3 hours interview session! Break a leg, CPM!! Kambateh~~!!!!!!!

I feel the love

I feel so touch receiving your letter today.

Indeed, you are really a true friend.



Haha~ After abandoned my bloggie for almost 2 months, I'm here to reactivate it again. lol!

Guess why? It's because I think that FB expose my personal life too much already. Now I understand what Kuen means. Or maybe it's because that person that I really dislike for 4 years keep on intruding into my personal life, giving comments or her own thoughts and judging me on my post. No wonder no one likes you in our whole course! Really feel like deleting you from my friends' list right after convocation! XD

Have been going for interviews recently, and tomorrow will be the second one. Finding for temporary job before enrolling into masters in end of August. My little tiny boss still haven't reply me yet and I just got to know from Ester that the lastest to know about the grant is on 16th June. Ahh, I think I should be patient and wait for him. What I need to do now is just try my best, gain as much experience as I can in working world, plan how to write my proposal for masters and learn how to be pretty externally. Haha! I have been learning about makeup recently, since in Sarawak, from Yein. She really taught me quite a lot although she is still learning it by herself. Haha! Good, this shows that we have turn into adults. My mum used to nag me about going out without makeup and I think she will be happy if she knows that I am finally interested in makeup. Hahahaha!! Wish me best of luck! :)

Caoz people! Good day~