Monday, June 6, 2011


WTH!!!!! Sorry, for using this word. I really feel like....ahhh. I know these are the consequences of choosing you as my supervisor. You will never ever make things easy! Damn. I thought my master's research will be similar to my undergrad's fyp project. It's seems that I am just too too too too too too too too NAIVE! 2 genes, 7 SNPS are insufficient to satisfy you huh!!! Ok, 1 project is insufficient to satisfy you huh!?!! Wait, let me do the calculation first. 2 gene, 7 SNPs multiply 2, SHyaatttttttttttttttt!!!! Luckily the other project is not dealing with PCR and RFLP! If not I will jump from the building! I cannot blame anyone as I make this decision myself! Yes, CPM, wake up and face the reality and ready to stay in the lab for 6 days per week and 8am-11pm at nite ya. God bless me!

p/s: Please let me finish it in 1 year. *pray hard*


. said...

becum 2 project d?

chocolatemuffin said...

yalar! 2 projects combine into one title! teramat benci dia sekarang!!! >.<