Monday, June 6, 2011

My Little Pony

Got my car already. I called it "The Little Pony"~

Got a key chain from Sarawak just for my car key. Pic coming soon. *Have been very busy with proposal*

At last I am done with my proposal. I can't believe I took a week to finish it! Phewww. Worst, nope, I should say it is much more tougher compared to FYP's proposal during my undergrads. It's all because master's proposal need to be evaluated by 6 high authorities in my uni, which consists of IPSR, Supervisor/FRDPC, FBO, PSC, Senate and DACE. It seems to be kind of scary for me so I really need to perform well in my writing in order to enter Master studies in UTAR. Enrol to postgrad studies is absolutely different from undergrads. For undergrads, what you need is just a certain grade that fulfill the requirement of the uni. That's it. For master, is not like you want to enter means you can enter. Fulfill uni's requirement + proposal pass, then you can become a master student in this uni. Hope my proposal will be accepted by those big bosses in UTAR. *pray hard*

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