After for more than one and a half month, at last there is no more non-stop-2-3 tests per week, or quizes anymore! Thank god for letting me surviving till now. Phew~ *although there is another lab test for MMP!* So, after so long stressing ourselves mentally and also physically, it is time for rest to prevent from getting any psychology prob. It was a great Thursday night for the ladies to hangout and enjoy till max without feeling any guilt. Haha! It was raining cats and dogs before we got there and we thought it's going to affect the mood for the day. Nope, it didn't. When we were about to reach Vegas, the rain stopped. The breeze after rain at night was absolutely awesome!
I was shocked when I saw Seow Feng, my Kindergarten and high school friend working in this restaurant! O.O~ Haha~ Glad to see her after so long :)
Wei wei~
Wei wei & Kit Yan~
A burger name Obama~ Haha :D
BBQ Chicken with Ham and lots of fries~ Yum Yum :)
Seafood spaggetti with white sauce~Woohoo~:P
My only malay friend who speaks chinese~ Azi~
Pose a bit first~ :P
Forgot it's name! It has many many many layers~ O.O
Kuen & Yen Ee

Tsk tsk tsk~ Image hilang~
See, the next god of gambler~ To san~*SS-ing*
It was awesome to play to the max after so long of stressing our brains! Another way that increases endorphine without eating chocolate! ^.^
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