Thursday, August 12, 2010

Break a leg!

Haha!! It's time to blog again! :D

Have been very busy these few weeks due to never-ending tests and lab tests! Though it is quite tough to pass through these angony days, I did enjoy my life as well! :D:D
Enjoying every moment in life, especially my uni days has become part of my important 'task' before ending my student life next year! Sounds a bit sad :( Hence, mix around and get along with friends, travelling and celebrating is a must-must thingy to do~:)
Within these two weeks...

Celebrated Kit Yan's 22nd Birthday in the uni and the BioMad people gave her a surprise!

Blueberry mousse cake!

The BioMad juniors did a big project in the uni- Nutrition Fun Fair!

Visited the clinic and help up to collect blood samples from the patients in KK, Kampar.
Yup, it is for my FYP project!
I am 'hunger' of blood nowadays~ hehe~ *Dracula in action!*

My cutie supervisor! Dr Say!!
I wonder how am I going to face him everyday in the uni~ Ullalalalla~ :D
I am praying hard not to make any mistake so that I won't "kena" from this cutie! Hehe~~

The master student that guide us, Ms Fan~ Helping out to take blood pressure measurement~

We are the Say-ism people now! Wish us best of luck!
Will enjoy my FYP days to the fullest!!!!!!!!! ;D

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