Yesterday was a great day. Woke up very early just to buy some groceries in Tesco, of course with the girls and a kid:) Feeling so good waking up so early on weekend. The air is so refreshing and bare in mind, I will never wake up that early on weekends -.-~ Reached Tesco and it just opened. All the shops and stalls were not open yet. Cool, there are only us, gila-gila wake up so early just to go to Tesco :P
See, there are only us. So nice of having the feeling of conquering the whole supermarket. So, here are Wei Wei and Kai Yein~
Hwee Nah and I were so busy with those vegies and do not know which to buy because we were thinking and comparing which can last longer and of course, the CHEAPEST and the QUANTITY! :P *Live healthy, eat more vegies! Cheh wahh...*
Another danger zone...
So, here we are at the old town market at Kampar.
Johnson helping her sis to choose a comb. While choosing the comb, he told me a theory about a plastic comb and a comb made of wood. Haha. Really learn a lot from this little kid :) *FYI, he talks a lot. Even her sis (my friend) agree with me! Kekekeke!!*
Only small towns in Malaysia you can find those chinese wooden slippers. I used to love that when I was a little kid. With my small tiny feet fit into the large size of my grandma's wooden slipper. Hahaha~
We went to the old town market to have our early lunch :P And those kakak here are busy sms-ing there. I wonder who they sms or maybe they are fb-ing? LOL. I don't know.
Me, with my colgate smile. *Eeee!!*
For better skin, I drank Barli+dried soyabean curd. Yummylicious! Kit Yan said the chow keow tiu here is ichiban. So we tried :)
I have ordered chow keow tiu with egg and clam. Yum Yum Yum~
It is very cheap eating in the morning market at Kampar. This mee cost me RM2.60 only. You can't even get that price in New Town Kampar and it is impossible in KL.
Johnson ordered prawn mee @ Har Min~ The portion is huge O.O
FUIYO...sedap betul itu char kuey teow!!!
Memang la sedap!! Yum Yum Yum~~ :D And somemore very cheap wei!!
yea yea..can c LOL. eh, u r not the only one luv to conquer Tesco early in the more kaki here oso lk to do that. HAHAHAHA
c ur blog just now...
just pass by,but i wish to leave a comment hehe..
bcos,i m searching sum biomedical info via google...
admire "banana"as u mention r...hehe
bcos i hate my broken english...
gambateh!can i ask for sum biomedical course from u?
hehe,i m an ordinary gal oni..
nice to hear from u...
Oh, aloha! Thanks for visiting my site :)
Yeah, you may ask. What do you want to know? Is there by any chance, you are from UTAR?
hehe...i m not from utar...haiz
i wish i can ...
bcos i failed to get any local U(i m a stpm student)...
But now,utar's intake date aldi passed...haiz...TT
very depressed n helpless nw...
i have to wait for my appeal to UPU...if i get it,i'll go for it...
ya,i would like to ask tat,hw about the career prospect about biomedical science?
i saw some comment that we have to do our master in order to have a well-paid job...does it mean?
or wat type of job we may apply after our degree?(others than work in lab)?
hehe...too many question here,so sorry 4 tat...thx 4 sharing ^^
Oh ic...Don't worry, you will get into a uni. Just with the matter of time oni :)
Career prospect. Basically, there are two ways to go. One, of course is the lab. That is for sure. YOu have to bare in mind that, taking this course is always deal with lab works. If you are ready to deal with specimens, blood, body fluids and even stool, then being a medical officer is a right choice for you. That is only true, if you do not want to further your studies.
Secondly, you can end up in sales. Selling antibiotics or other medicines or even medical instruments and tools to the hospitals, labs or doctors. This is quite good as you will really get good paid provided that you are sociable and absolutely high in EQ!
About the master thingy, yeah, you're right. Basically, studying this course, if you want to get a better career and contribute yourself to the world of life science, master and even PHD is absolutely important. But you must really bare in mind that, further your studies to a higher level of education does not mean that to get a better paid, *of course you will :P*, but having yourself 100% involve in research. Haha, but remember this will end you up in lab oso :P And oso, furthering your studies means that you are entering to academic line. So, teaching in uni is a must :D
All in all, doing biomed is good if you are ready to become a real scientist and not having your mind thinking about the paid. Basically, biomed always deal with human. You do not want to risk their life right? Haha. I am not scaring you, but it's all depends on you whether you are interested on this field or not. Interest does play an important role during your uni life :D
Hope this will help :)
wah!bravo for ur explaination!
hehe...thanks a lot ya^^
ur explaination really help me a lot!
i m quite interesting in those virus,especially cancer...just wonder hw they may threat our life without sign(i mean some only)...haiz...
i still nt so sure tat i m interesting in this course,aiyaya...but i really like biology especially genetic n those various type of cell haha...
i will try to search for more info to make sure that i like it!haha.
really appreciate ur help!
n oso,nice to meet u ya^^
keep upload ur blog ya(if can,write more ur course,hehe,i like ur sharing indeed,just like ur previous post),as u noe that i will visit it more frequently hehe!thx n thx ya!
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