The craziest weeks, or should I say, the craziest month is finally over. I've been missing in action for quite a long time. At last I could say, "I can rest a bit now" . I tried to recall back what I've done for these past few weeks, are totally maniac. The whole month, July, is full of tests, technical test, assignments' due dates, presentations and lab reports. Almost every week, there are two tests except for one of the weeks! The two tests in a week are adjacent to each other. For instances, I had my OHR midterm on Wednesday at 6pm and the next day is Clinical biochemistry test at 8.15am! The day before the OHR paper, there was also a presentation for Moral! When I recalled back what I've encountered for these past few weeks, I can feel the goose bumps! I wouldn't want it to happen again! I wouldn't want this to be repeated again! It is scary. I've been sleeping for only 4-5 hours per day for the whole month, no matter it is weekdays or weekends! That's why i always feel like collasping soon. I have actually developed insomnia. Likewise, one of my lecturer said, sleeping late every night will have diurnal rhythm disorder! Basically, I think my diurnal rhythm graph has gone hairwire! Now, I try to sleep as early as possible, and try to restructure back my diurnal rhythm, it is so difficult. I couldn't sleep at night, I feel so sleepy in the morning, although I've slept for 8 hours! I have hormonal imbalance too. This is terrible! My immune system is totally down. I have flu, sore throat and migrain. I think I need to go for a check up.
So, in order to gain back my energy and reward myself for struggling all this while and almost burried into the books already, I've bought myself foods. Yahoo! These are for dinner today!
Finally, updates for this past few weeks.
This week, the Biological Science society in my uni is having this project, selling smoothies. Most of the members are the Biotech students. My ex-classmates were selling them. At first, Kenny asked, I wasn't paying any attention cause I was talking to somebody and he interfered. Then few days later, my friend asked, so we decided to buy and taste! It really tasted very good! I had Chocolate Banana smoothie..while enjoying it during OHR lecture! Muahahaha!! :D
Yen Ee's Mango smoothie.
Next up, recently, nearby my house, there is a funfair. It is so beautiful at night. Those lights are so colourful! Sweet!
WAH!! wantan mee...aiyo..that portion sap sap sui for me lol!! how much u bought it?
wah!! Besar makan juga engkau! "sap sap sui!" Lol!! Normal is RM 2.50. I add another half, so is "chec pun", it is RM 3. As you see, the portion after adding also quite small!! :D (Not I besar makan, hehe!)
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