Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I am sick. At last, the feel like collapsing me has turn off the switch! My immune system is totally down. I got fever twice, the day before yesterday and yesterday. The day before yesterday was the worst. I was having high fever, my jaw inflammed, pain of course, and my cheeks were like santa clause. Trust me, this is not H1N1. It is due to the whether, transmit disease all over and due to the tired me lasting for a month and at last, my system totally shut me down. So what I did was, take medicine and sleep. Yesterday, I slept the earliest in the house and it is my first time in this semester to sleep at 10.30 am! For me, this is extremely early! What to do? No choice. I can't do anything as the fever strikes me again after dinner. The symptoms actually showed again before dinner and my dearest cousin called me twice and advice me tree times in the house, to go to the doctor. As I am a stubborn person, guess what, the heroin do not want to go to the doctor because I want my immune system to become stronger if it heal by itself. Scare of H1N1, after checking out the symptoms, it looks like one but it is not! So, read and study carefully what is actually H1N1! (Kena ejek from few people d! Maybe they really thinks is H1N1! :S) Hence, after sleeping for so many hours and slept so early yesterday, I have no more fever! Yeah!! but my beautiful voice haven't recover yet! I am still coughing but no more flu. Cool! :D So, sleeping is the best medicine ever, but never forget, the right medicine is also a contributer to cure fever!

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