It's going to be end of November. It is so true that 'Time flies~'. Haha. November is somewhat a month that I really enjoy the most, yet suffer the most at the same time! LOL~ Mood fluctuates this month due to fyp clashing with my happy-time. Hahaha!! :D
Eversince McDonald's open in Kampar, I have been McDonald-ing a lot with my buddies here compared to Kay-L. That's funny! It is considered as the best place to stay up till 1 to 2 am in the morning or a place to hang out as early as 7am in the morning for breakfast! *hint hint~ my uni buddies are changing my lifestyle slowly. Turning me into more naughty than before! tsk tsk tsk*
This picture is not so clear. It is paintball, people! :)
Since I am so active this month, Ipoh-ing a lot too!! Tsk tsk tsk~
See, we are having big feast here. As if our boss has starved us for many many days! O.O
BEST NYE~~~~~~~~
Hehe~ :D Indeed, very nice and syok~ Hahaha!
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