How did you ended August? Haha. With Independance day celebration in the heart of Malaysia? LOL. I have ended it in an awesome way. :)
Celebrated Yen Ee's 21st in Sushi King, Kampar. Hey come on, although Sushi King is not the place where you can have the greatest taste of sushi but the celebration and the people make a merry atmosphere. Hope you did have a great 21st Birthday, Yen Ee :)

Went back to KL for fun again! :P Back alone this time and it was a great experience travelling alone! :) My parents did not know that I am back and the weather on that day was absolutely brilliant! Not very hot and the sun did not burn my skin that much. LOL.
Luckily my Ipod did not 'betray' me that day. A good companion though I hate Apple products. =D I am always stuck with Sony and Apple products because my dad loves both of these brands a lot! I wish he love DSLR! Then, I can own one~ Kekekekekeke~~ :P
I am so tired today after travelling to KL again for a study trip to IJN. Learn a lot though. Exposure and broaden my horizon are one of my aims from now on! :)
p/s: Will update soon for the IJN study trip.
Good Nite peeps~ :D
"the people make a merry atmosphere" u mean which people o? those who "shuh!!!" us when we sang a birthday song? ><
Boo! Who cares about those uncivilised people~ WE are the real humans or people that light up the nite~ =D
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