Last weekend was awesome! Back to KL and meet up with the high school/primary school blossoms! :D No matter where and when, high school friends are always the best! Agree? *Noding*
Here is Hassy Winny being the driver on the awesome day~*Thanks a lot hass!!*
So, we headed to The Gardens and had the gathering @ T.G.I. FRIDAY'S.
So, now let the pictures to do the talk.
*I've only slept for 4+ hours for today due to Dr. Mohamed's Pathology paper!! So, excuse me for being lazy to type~*
Dinah with her mysterious look *according to Carmen Ong*
I still look young and pretty *vomit la*
Saw the earing that I am wearing? *I know is very small to see from the pic"
When Dinah first saw the earing I was wearing on that day, she said I was wearing Yee Mun on my ears! LOL LOL LOL!!!!! So, Yee Mun, get me or not? :P :P:P
And Thanks Jolene for the gift from Russia! Love it a lot!! *But now I want the orange one oso!!!EEeeeee*
Our real photographer for the day! Rachel MeiZhi~
My Lenglui! Mui Yee~
Miss you a lot, fion!!! *Remember to eat more although aussie oni got those western food~*
*A potential photographer!*
I desperately need a dslr!! Someone please sponsor me plssssssss~~~
I remember that I used to be shorter than you a lot too during primary school!
See how much I have EXPAND! LOL~~
Will try my best to save some money from now on so I can visit you before you graduate! :D
Happy 21st birthday, Linda!!
Spot Carmen Ong?! Haha, at last I see her after so loooooonnng~
Take picture also must pose! Wahsai~

Butterscotch sauce on Vanilla ice-cream and bananas~

Cheers Darlings!!! :D

Had hi-tea with Fion, Jo, Dinah, Karmen and Hassy.
This drink is absolutely lovely!
Virgin Mojito Test tubes~
Butterscotch sauce on Vanilla ice-cream and bananas~
Cheers Darlings!!! :D
Luv you all a lotsssssss!!!!!!!! :D
Everyone has grown up. Tell me who don't gets old as they aged, rite?
But in our hearts, we always remained as though we were still in high school! *That's why we has the natural built-in speaker and blast everywhere where ever we go!*
We love each other and this is a fact that will never changed!
We remain as best buddies and we always do.
I do really appreciate our 9 years friendship and 12 years friendship with Dinah and Carmen!
I love you all with all my heart and will miss all of you!!!
*Remember to invite me to your weddings when you are done with your single life, awesome buddies!!!
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