Monday, January 4, 2010

Short term memory "gained"!

Short term memory lost.

Today, is the day where I need to clear up all my files in the lappie and organise my bloggie and also FB. After uploading those necessary photos in FB and cleared the folders, I am aware that I need to tag my friends. In my opinion, tagging my friends after uploading those photos is a must must, if not, what's the point of uploading so much photos and waste your time doing so. Sharing is caring. :) So, I started to tag my friends and suddenly, I realise that I couldn't remember some of my coursemates' names. ""-____- I was trying hard to recall the names and I gave up. Started scrolling down the list to recall back. While scrolling down the list, I was like "Oh ya! Ohhhh...Yes yes ya." Until my mum asked me, "Why you keep on oh ya oh ya?" I told her that I have forgotten my coursemates' names. Guess what happen next? Like usual, "3 months holidays are just too long for you!" ""-______________________-


. said...

LOL! hopefully i'm not one of your list. "the one being forgotten" :P

chocolatemuffin said...

Of course I won't forget the S.A.D member.
We really need to find way to hapuskan the S.A.D nightmares! :D