Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Hello! Hello!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Bye bye Kay-L again~
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Doing what? Of course my 'beloved' thesis.
Mummy is going to scold me for staying this late again.
But this is my hyper hour! Muahehehehehehe~
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
You! Yes, you!!! Arghh!
Tell me why?!!?
Like to change according to your own preference!
I still have many many things to do and haven't even settle one, you asked to amend again!
Walauuuuuu ehhhhhhh!!!
I hate to see your e-mail now!! Oh, I just hate it!!!
I just feel like throwing those books and papers to release my stress and anger!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I just realised something.
Today is 11 January 2011, which is 11111!
Quintet one!! It only will happen twice right?
Haha! Me being so random. It's special though. :)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
What do you think? many questions huh? And finally I got my answer. I live on this earth and the god give me a precious life is not to live alone in this planet. Yes, you will have the LOVE from family when you are still young. How about when your parents get older and leave you one day? Yes, you have those lovely friends who cares about you and treats you like sister. But hey, will they be with you everyday or for life? Face the fact. Yes, the fact. Who is going to share the LOVE with you after seeing everyone leaving you one by one in the future? Yes. Your future husband. I am talking in girl's point of view here ya. haha. Sorry guys. So, in order to share your LOVE and continue spreading your LOVE to another person, and that will be your husband. How to get a husband? Yea..don't laugh please. I know I am being a bit sentimental and weird here. Hehe. Continue...yea, you will get a husband when you have a boyfriend now. But the problem here is, when do you think that you need a boyfriend and where are you going to find one? I remembered vividly in my mind that my high school's BM teacher used to tell us that we need to find one during college time. Hmm..I think she is absolutely right! =) But please don't misunderstood here. Girls don't find boys. Why? God knows. :P
So, what do think about LOVE? Do you need one too? Yes, you do!
p/s: I am not being desperate here. This is just for sharing purpose. :)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Just feel so scare whenever I see your e-mail.
Just feel so annoying whenever you reject my thesis.
Arggggggghhh!!! I just feel like screaming whenever I start brain-storming and typing thousand of words in my thesis!! Mama mia!!~
p/s: Burried me together gather with my thesis please. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
You should have told us earlier you know!!!
Hey, come on. It might be very easy for you to handle that software but not us kay!
We are still newbiessssssss!!!!!
p/s: Your cute face always betray others! I'm frustrated. Hmmph!