Remember I made a promise not be be late for class anymore? I broke the promise today! Actually I didn't meant to break the promise but I have totally forgotten that I have tutotrial for Microbiology today! When Kuen text me a message: "Wui mana u? Micro T!", I was totally shocked! That was 10.04am and my class is at 10.00am! Very geng right? I am still in my hostel with my pyjamas on! So, I quickly rushed everything up and got my key, flew to uni. My adrenal medulla works very well at that time because it secretes a lot of adrenaline till I don't feel exhausted while cycling up the hill! As usual, I ran to the class! While cycling and running, what's came out in my mind was, "Ms teo is going to be very mad and I am totally afraid that she will kick me out of class coz' I'm late for 30 minutes and the class is an hour class"! Cool right me? She was quite mad last two weeks when some of my classmate did not turn out in her class. So, reflecting about that incident, I feel even more insecure. Thus, what I planned was, I will answer all the questions that she ask if she don't kick me out of class! At last, when I reached there, she actually treated me nicely. What a relief! Ahhhhh.....She asked me why I was late and what happens to me , and I told her directly, I have totally forgotten about her class today. She was laughing and she passed me the attendence list! I fell even better! Ahhhh.....But, at that moment, I started to sweat a lot..suddenly! Maybe because I've cool down myself. Then, I answered the questions that she asked in the class in order to increase back her impression on me and it seems to go smoothly.
I have told myself that I will try to gain more experience here and there and this is totally one of my valuable experience in my uni life! Toodles!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The rain awakes me to face the reality!
Yesterday it rained very heavily during the half of my journey back to the hostel. Thus, I am all wet again. But, it was a good rain. The rain poured at me just like the shower in the bathroom and it awakes me about something. I need to face the reality! Why am I saying that? Of course there is something happens and I am totally awake from my dreamland!
My friend told me about what this person has told her friends about me, but I swear that I never said it before. She told her friends that I overheard and like somesort of trying to hear what she talks on the phone with her boyfriend. I was shocked! Come on, I AM NOT SO FREE TO WALK TO YOUR ROOM WHICH IS FEW METERS AWAY FROM MINE TO HEAR WHAT YOU SAY ON THE PHONE!! For people who knows me well, you all know that I am always, I said ALWAYS a busy person! I am not that DESPERATE to hear what you want to say on the phone to your boyfriend! And logically, how will I know when you will call or when your boyfriend will call you?!? Moreover, your voice is so damn loud when you talks on the phone or even when you are studying! Think la! You thought you are what huh?!?!! Who wants to hear what you say to your boyfriend!?! YOU ARE TOTALLY CRAZY!! YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND!
Besides that, she told her friend and act how pathetic she was when she needs to see a doctor for only an eyesore! Yes, I know that I did not accompany you to see the doctor because I was having a popquiz on the day after and i only get to know it at night the day before! I did asked you whether you need me to accompany you, but you said no. I even lent you all my money and left just a few ringgit for me to survive for another day before getting the money from the ATM machine which only opens on Monday till Saturday in UTAR. If you have hard feelings toward me because of this, I should ask you this question: The day where I met the worst bicycle accident, did you accompany me to the shop to fix the bicycle while my leg was bleeding? I need to face this problem and solve it myself. And I remember, it was in the evening and the day was getting darker and darker. So, I told you about this prob. You just gave me a medicine and that's it!
I am not trying to compare or what...I am just fed up with all this. I will never trust you anymore as you even talks about my other friends infront of me! Hey, I am their friend too! Do you know that I am close to them also?!!? You are the one who gave me this good reason. I am not going to close the door silently and feel any guilty anymore when I need to go for dinner. This is cool! I am freed! Thanks to you!!!
My friend told me about what this person has told her friends about me, but I swear that I never said it before. She told her friends that I overheard and like somesort of trying to hear what she talks on the phone with her boyfriend. I was shocked! Come on, I AM NOT SO FREE TO WALK TO YOUR ROOM WHICH IS FEW METERS AWAY FROM MINE TO HEAR WHAT YOU SAY ON THE PHONE!! For people who knows me well, you all know that I am always, I said ALWAYS a busy person! I am not that DESPERATE to hear what you want to say on the phone to your boyfriend! And logically, how will I know when you will call or when your boyfriend will call you?!? Moreover, your voice is so damn loud when you talks on the phone or even when you are studying! Think la! You thought you are what huh?!?!! Who wants to hear what you say to your boyfriend!?! YOU ARE TOTALLY CRAZY!! YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND!
Besides that, she told her friend and act how pathetic she was when she needs to see a doctor for only an eyesore! Yes, I know that I did not accompany you to see the doctor because I was having a popquiz on the day after and i only get to know it at night the day before! I did asked you whether you need me to accompany you, but you said no. I even lent you all my money and left just a few ringgit for me to survive for another day before getting the money from the ATM machine which only opens on Monday till Saturday in UTAR. If you have hard feelings toward me because of this, I should ask you this question: The day where I met the worst bicycle accident, did you accompany me to the shop to fix the bicycle while my leg was bleeding? I need to face this problem and solve it myself. And I remember, it was in the evening and the day was getting darker and darker. So, I told you about this prob. You just gave me a medicine and that's it!
I am not trying to compare or what...I am just fed up with all this. I will never trust you anymore as you even talks about my other friends infront of me! Hey, I am their friend too! Do you know that I am close to them also?!!? You are the one who gave me this good reason. I am not going to close the door silently and feel any guilty anymore when I need to go for dinner. This is cool! I am freed! Thanks to you!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ok, it's 10 minutes before dinner. I'll like to crap something "miracle" happens today.
1. I've joined photography club today.
I was some sort of telling myself not to join because there are plenty of works and few inches thick of reference books waiting for me to tackle them. But, hey, why I decided to join? Because I was wondering, I am actually much more busier last time when I was in high school and foundation because I need to attend my piano lessons and taekwando classes every week! I even need to sit for my piano examination on the same year of my SPM and diploma in music during the busiest week in Foundation. So, I think I can handle it like "peanuts" because the meetings for this club are not held every week! And also to release my stress! My friend was like persuing me to join and I actually joined after I saw those pretty postcards grab by one of my friends. Hehehe...So, I joined.
2. The "cleaniest" person in my hostel mop the floor today. I was shocked! But after what I've saw, I am even shocked till I feel like fainting! SHE USED THE PILE, THE PILE WHERE EVERYONE USED IT FOR BATHING, TO FILL UP WATER AND READY TO MOP THE FLOOR! She is crazy! Luckily I saw it and I've save the pile for the sake of my other housemates in my hostel and I!
1. I've joined photography club today.
I was some sort of telling myself not to join because there are plenty of works and few inches thick of reference books waiting for me to tackle them. But, hey, why I decided to join? Because I was wondering, I am actually much more busier last time when I was in high school and foundation because I need to attend my piano lessons and taekwando classes every week! I even need to sit for my piano examination on the same year of my SPM and diploma in music during the busiest week in Foundation. So, I think I can handle it like "peanuts" because the meetings for this club are not held every week! And also to release my stress! My friend was like persuing me to join and I actually joined after I saw those pretty postcards grab by one of my friends. Hehehe...So, I joined.
2. The "cleaniest" person in my hostel mop the floor today. I was shocked! But after what I've saw, I am even shocked till I feel like fainting! SHE USED THE PILE, THE PILE WHERE EVERYONE USED IT FOR BATHING, TO FILL UP WATER AND READY TO MOP THE FLOOR! She is crazy! Luckily I saw it and I've save the pile for the sake of my other housemates in my hostel and I!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The 20-year old desperate woman
- I want to get a degree in Music specialised in solo piano and saxophone.
- I want a white grand piano.
- I want to get a double degree.
- I want to visit all the Disneyland in this world.
- I want to fly to Korea after I graduated as a Biomedical Scientist.(Sedang kumpul duit...hehe)
- I want to visit MyeongDong. (Just to taste the original Kimchi)
- I want to attend DBSK live concert.
- I want to perform in Philaharmonic KLCC. (wait till I get my degree in music and excel in this field. Pray hard!!)
- I want the full collection of ipod. (Now I only have a pink one...I want all the colours! I noe I am a bit gila edi)
- I want to visit Milan to see and understand the true meaning of art.
- I want something that only my uni friends will know.
This 20-year old lady is jussssssst too desperate to hope that she can achieve the above before turning to 27 except number 8 because she said she needs more time to pursue that dream, only after she is done with her science studies.
Dream on...O.o
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I have a sensitive organ and a "lovely" vehicle~
I am totally fed up with diarrhoea! When will it stop, huh? I think I really have a sensitive stomach or maybe the antibodies in my body are too strong to detect those patogenic organisms. I even need to sterilize my cutlery before using them in order to decrease rate of getting infected by those intruders! Is it not that I never eat outside before in KL. I just do not understand why, each time I eat outside, I will always face this problem! Make it even worst, now at Kampar, I need to eat outside everyday! And hey, I thought I suppose to be immune to this after staying here for one semester? This is driving me crazy. I think I need to adapt to this situation for a month or more for my stomach to get use to it AGAIN! Eeeeeee...
Another thing is, I am always injured by my own bicycle. Yesterday, the right pedal hits on my right leg. I think my bicycle just "loves" me too much! My right ankle was numb and I couldn't cycle like normal back to my hostel. To make it even worst, the way back to my hostel is like going up the Bukit Gasing Hill! So, you can imagine how much energy and strength I need for my legs to cycle back to hostel. Now, my right ankle is swelling and the size is twice bigger than my left foot. I can barely walk yesterday and this morning. Hopefully I will recover soon before the new week starts, where I need to wear SHOES to school! lab this Monday, right? If my ankle still hurts, this will be my very first time wearing sandals to school! And I still need to cycle! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!
Another thing is, I am always injured by my own bicycle. Yesterday, the right pedal hits on my right leg. I think my bicycle just "loves" me too much! My right ankle was numb and I couldn't cycle like normal back to my hostel. To make it even worst, the way back to my hostel is like going up the Bukit Gasing Hill! So, you can imagine how much energy and strength I need for my legs to cycle back to hostel. Now, my right ankle is swelling and the size is twice bigger than my left foot. I can barely walk yesterday and this morning. Hopefully I will recover soon before the new week starts, where I need to wear SHOES to school! lab this Monday, right? If my ankle still hurts, this will be my very first time wearing sandals to school! And I still need to cycle! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Happy-Go-Lucky!~ This is what I practice now! Good Morning!!
Woke up quite early again bacause of WBLE again!
Need to prepare for school now.
Today is such a sunny day.
The 'boost up' words for today:
Hop joyfully while walking!!
Good Morning everyone!
p/s: Kuen, don't feel irritated because of this type of people. It's not worth it also! Maybe this type of people wants to catch your attention..I think la..hehe. So, just act as if you didn't see anything. You Go, gal!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Answer reveal!
Finally, I've found out the person's gender and I am very sure that this person is a girl!
V Do not reject H0. That person is a girl.
V Do not reject H0. That person is a girl.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hypothesis testing! Reject Ho or not??
Yesterday night, one of my housemate brought home a person, her friend to stay overnight. I only realised this person's existence when I got out of my room to the toilet during midnight. When I opened my room's door, I saw this person. For your information, I did not wear my spectacles at that moment. So, I thought that person was my other housemate. I suddenly felt stranged when this person waved and said "hi!" to me. I was wondering, why la my housemate acting so strange since I've been seeing her for the whole day! But when I walked closely to this person and I realised this person is not my housemate. My first sight when I looked at this person from far, without my specs(actually very near only...she was coming out from the toilet), I thought is a "she". When she started to open her mouth and talk, I thought this person is a "he". This make me so curious about it. The next day, I met this person again. This person came back with my housemate and I'm sure this will be the second night staying here. This person talked to me just now and it is the second time I really thought is a "he"!(This person is just next door while I'm blogging here..hehehe). Since I was mentally tired just now, I decided to take a rest. At this moment, suddenly I thought of investigating this person's gender! Sounds weird but it really helps me to relax myself while having high blood pressure seeing those lecture notes! Muahahhaha!!! So, I went to do some investigation! What I've done, I could not tell you here but you may ask me personally or guess it yourself and let me know later. (I have a reason for this~)
Is not that I've no better work to do, but I really want to know this because my housemate is a girl! This is so interesting! Bared in mind, this is just for fun because this is my very first time that I can't identify a person's gender more than 24 hours till now. Maybe I should take some pictures of this person but I don't think this is law, right? (Hak manusia) Ermm, this is my hypothesis testing!
Let n be the gender.
I Ho : n=This person is a lady.
H1 : n=THis person is a boy.
II z=Boy-cut, walks like a boy, speaks like a man, deep voice
III P-value= Size of the body like a girl, my first sight(without my specs), "she is a girl"
IV P-value<>u?
V Do not have evidence to reject H0 or reject H0??
Is not that I've no better work to do, but I really want to know this because my housemate is a girl! This is so interesting! Bared in mind, this is just for fun because this is my very first time that I can't identify a person's gender more than 24 hours till now. Maybe I should take some pictures of this person but I don't think this is law, right? (Hak manusia) Ermm, this is my hypothesis testing!
Let n be the gender.
I Ho : n=This person is a lady.
H1 : n=THis person is a boy.
II z=Boy-cut, walks like a boy, speaks like a man, deep voice
III P-value= Size of the body like a girl, my first sight(without my specs), "she is a girl"
IV P-value<>u?
V Do not have evidence to reject H0 or reject H0??
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Nuts!!! I've been downloading a 4.66MB Microbiology's notes since 8pm and it is not done yet! It is always till 87% and it stucks there! With the hot weather now at Kampar increase my anger even more! What happens to Wble?? I thought we are much much more nearer to the campus already compared to Pj or Setapak?!? This makes me crazy and I'm not going to have any notes for tomorrow!! Damn it!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Shocked for 3 seconds!
Wow wow wow!! I was shocked that I still received birthday present from my friends! Although I know that Kuen promised that she will give it to me after exam because my birthday falls on the study week, I was shocked for 3 seconds because I've forgotten about it! I have totally forgotten about it! The first sight I saw the pretty bottle with the pink ribbon and teddy bear hanging on the neck, I thought of food! The bottle can be filled with food! Nuts! Chocolates! Cookies! Oh my! I shouldn't have thought of that! By the way, thanks to Kuen, Yen Ee and Wen Pei!

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