I thought no one will be celebrating my birthday with me this year since I'm in Kampar and three days after is my final examination. For your information, almost all of my housemates are not around because they went back to their hometown except me and Yu Fei. Sob soBx:(...Although my family called me on that day and chatted for quite a long time, I was psychology, emotionnally down because I'm not going to have any cake on my birthday. I used to have a cake and pizza every year and never miss it before! Never! This is the very first time that I'm not going to have pizza and cake and the worst thing is, away from home without celebrating my next decade with my family! But, one of my housemate that I only know her for 3 months plus, had gave me a big surprised on my birthday. The story begin like this:
I was studying in my room and was a little bit distracted by her because she was walking around in the hall but I have no idea what she's doing. Then, suddenly she came into my room and said, "Pui Mun, don't study so hard la. It's your birthday. Relax a bit." I did not listen to her advise and kept on doing what I'm doing that time and replied, " Ok ok I noe i noe".
After dinner...
I was totally flabbergasted when Yu Fei, suddenly bring out this cup of cheese and she said "Happy Birthday, Pui Mun. Ok, I'm going to sing "Happy Birthday" song but my singing is quite bad ya." I was numb. I did not expect that I will receive a gift from her and she said she wanted to sing a birthday song for me. My goodness! She actually wished me at 12 am on that day and I was quite happy that someone at least remember my birthday and she is the first who wished me this year.

Then, another surprised after 3 days later, on Monday. My cousin was back from Ipoh and she gave me another big surprised. After coming back to my hostel from my first day of exam, Anatomy and Physiology, so tired, no energy, sleepy...went to bath, and suddenly my cousin called me to come out from my room. She was standing beside the fridge and I thought it must be my aunty who brought me some
"leung sui" (herbal tea) again. But after she opened the fridge and she took out two tupperwares and OPEN..Oh my, she had baked me some fruit tarts and cheese cake for my birthday and wished me for the second time.
I've ate some already before taking this photo..that's why there is a small tiny winny little bite on the fruit tart. Hehehe..;P

This is the cheese tart. Full of cheese and stripes of lemon underneath. Very tasty and delicious. I think this is the best cheese cake I've ever ate before! Homemate cheese cake with low sugar content. yUM yUM!!
Bassically, my birthday this year is full of cheeses and surprises. Moreover, I celebrated my birthday in KL on Mother's day since my family going to celebrate Mother's day too. And and, one of my housemate, Kennix's birthday is on the same date as mine! And my cousin's birthday is the same as Yu Fei's! What a coincidence!
p/s: Happy Birthday to all the April babies!!! ; D