Friday, March 27, 2009



Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lunch In a Hotel

Today, after Metabolic Biochemistry practical, I had lunch with one of my besties, Kuen at Grand Kampar Hotel.

They are having a promotion, RM 5 nett for each set of lunch.

Kuen and I
However, we have found out that, their services are not up to the standard yet. Hehe, maybe we are too choosy!
But, look at this. It's dirty.

These are the cutleries provided by them. (This is after finish eating la, of course it's dirty!)

However, notice that, the fork and spoon are too big.

Fish Fillet with butter
I did not taste any butter flavour in it.

Notice, the people behind me. They look quite busy, walking all around but, they are actually not.

This lady. Hahaha, below is the conversation that explains everything:
Me: Excuse me, take order please.
Lady: Please wait a minute ya. (Looking for other waiter or waitress to help to take order from us)
After 5 minutes......
Me: Excuse me, take order please.
Lady: (Show the sign with her hand that indicates :Please wait.)
After 5 minutes........
The lady come with a piece of paper, with the list (something like "Kim Gary's list) and take our order. Ermm, I wonder, what takes her so long, just to take a few seconds for her to tick down what we want.

After around 8 minutes, the drinks were served.

After around 7 minutes, the soup was served.

Ermm, we promised that we will never taste anything from this place anymore!
By the way, it's a good day trying something "new".

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover??

"Don't judge a book by it's cover"
I am totally disagree with this sentence when it comes to a situation where someone evaluates you! "They" really judge you by your appearance. I feel this world is totally unfair. I thought the evaluation is based on how you speak and how you present yourself. However, there is this kind of people, who judge a person based on how pretty you are! Why on earth there is this type of people exist! He said, "I will only judge based on the way you speak and the confidence that you have in yourself". Liar!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pic With Dr Chew

Recently, we were quite obsessed in taking pictures. At last, we get to take pictures with one of our lovely but a bit of scary lecturer, Dr Chew after two semesters lecturing us in Biochemistry stuffs-Metabolic and Structural Biochemistry.
Center: Dr Chew
In the first semester, we were very scared of her because she always asked us questions that need to have a lot of thinking and readings! But now, I have a different perspective of Dr Chew's characteristics. She's a good role model! She teaches us well and we really hope she will continue teaching us in Clinical Biochemistry next semester! Can't wait!!!
We also took some pictures of the whole course of Biomedical Science, Year 1 Semester 2. It has been ages, I've never took a picture like this since form 5!
* more pictures to come. Stay tune!*

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Nowadays, going a bit crazy. Mental stress, physical stress. Suffering from ROS (Reactive Oxidative Stress)! All my red blood cells are bursting slowly I guess, cause I frequently get migraine nowadays. So many things that need to be completed. My goodness! No time for entertainment at all!! This morning, I was looking at the sky and pondering for quite a long time while having my breakfast. Why a student like me need to go through all these, while my friends from other universities are not suffering like what I suffered now? Ermm, I do not know why. All I can do is nag and nag and nag and continue nagging till I complete my degree.

I face a problem remembering all my facts for Anatomy and Physiology. So many scientific names! I've found a way to remember them, but I do not know whether it will works or not. I'll be posting some facts of this subject each time I blog. Hope it can help me remember them easily. Wish me luck!

First post:
muscles+bones+joints=musculoskeletal system
Skeletal system divided into two parts:
1. Axial Skeleton
2. Appendicular Skeleton
Axial Skeleton consist of 80 bones while Appendicular Skeleton consists of 126 bones.
A) Axial skeleton
-lie along longitudinal axis
-at skull, hyoid, vertebrae, ribs, sternum, ear ossicles
B) Appendicular Skeleton
-at upper & lower limbs and pelvic & pectoral girdles.
Hence, all together=206 bones!
There are 5 basic types of bones:
1. long bone (eg. Humerus)
2. short bone (eg. trapezoid, wrist bone)
3. flat bone (eg. Sternum)
4. irregular bone (eg. vertebra)
5. Sesamoid bone (eg. patella)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Ambassador of Japan Visited UTAR

On 23rd of February, the ambassador of Japan, Mr Masashiko Horia and his wife visited UTAR, Kampar. He was giving a lecture on how to use the least energy with the same GDP through out the year that leads to emmision of low carbon dioxide. [The pictures are not in a proper order.]

Get to take a pic in the hall during the seminar. Kakaka..

Professor Engr. Dato' Dr. Chuah Hean Teik,President of UTAR giving speech to welcome the ambassador of Japan


I miss

I miss all these places!!

Miss me?